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What is an Aortic Aneurysm? 3 года назад

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What is an Aortic Aneurysm?

Dr. Loay Kabbani, MD, Vascular Surgeon at Henry Ford Health System discusses aortic aneurysms, what the symptoms are and treatment options. To learn more, visit: Want to hear more from Henry Ford Health System? Make sure to visit our Henry Ford LiveWell blog! 💻 Follow our social channels: 👍   / henryfordhealthsystem   📷   / henryfordhealthsystem   📌   / henryfordhealth   🐦   / henryfordnews   🎥    / henryfordtv   Henry Ford Health System (HFHS) is one of the nation's leading comprehensive, integrated health systems. It provides health insurance and health care delivery, including acute, specialty, primary and preventive care services backed by excellence in research and education.
