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Station 174: RAF Sudbury 80 years on 7 дней назад

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Station 174: RAF Sudbury 80 years on

Eighty years after the really quite brief period that RAF Sudbury, home to the 486th BG, USAAF, was operational, this video reveals the buildings, runway and taxiway fragments that survive to this day, and tells the story of the tragedy at Wood Hall, when a B-17 which had taken off on a raid to Cologne lost power and crashed, killing all but one of the crew and a local boy. I'm grateful for the music used as backing: 1940's Slow Dance and Sing Swing Bada Bing - Doug Maxwell_Media Right Productions, and Big Swing Band by Audionautix, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Artist: Other links you might find useful to find out more about the airfield: Americans in Sudbury, including accounts of incidents, with details of the Wood Hall crash - Harley R. Stroven Film, 486th Bomb Group, U.S. Eighth Air Force - wartime footage of the airfield and of the surrounding towns and villages 9don't miss this!) -    • Harley R. Stroven Film, 486th Bomb Gr...   Aerial photograph of the airfield in 1944 - Further modern aerial and ground-level photos of the site - Wartime photos of Sudbury, including the airfield and the Wood Hall crash site - https://photoarchive.sudburyheritagec... Monument record for the airfield -
