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Скачать с ютуб The Best Advice for Players to Start Winning More Games of Magic: The Gathering в хорошем качестве

The Best Advice for Players to Start Winning More Games of Magic: The Gathering 1 год назад

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The Best Advice for Players to Start Winning More Games of Magic: The Gathering

Heuristics simplifies a problem to solve it, this times Thoralf explains how this works in Magic, using the "a little bit slower rule" and applying its principle to the match-up for each basic deck type (Midrange, Aggro, Control) in the current Pioneer Meta. As a bonus, he also explains why this won't work with Combo decks. 🔥 Decklists and more: _______________________________ !Opinions expressed in this video are those of the author/video creator and not necessarily Cardmarket. ➥ Buy and Sell your cards: 🛒 You can find us on: 👾Twitch:   / cardmarket_magic   📷 Instagram:   / cardmarket_magic   📘Facebook:   / cardmarketmagic   🐦Twitter:   / cardmarketmagic  
