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Must know tips to making a photo slideshow with Fotomagico - AWT 5 лет назад

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Must know tips to making a photo slideshow with Fotomagico - AWT

In this video, I go through some simple pointers in creating simple, timeless photo slideshow for any occasions. Just because I photograph a lot of weddings, I am going to use weddings as an example, but some of these pointers works well for any type of slideshows. With Photo slideshow, we can showcase a photographer's best work in a series, or a collection. The photo slideshow is great for wedding reception dinner presentation. This tutorial will assist fellow photographers in creating meaningful slideshow that simply works. In this example, I am using Fotomagico 5.0 for slideshow application. There are plenty of slideshows app out there that does the same. A good slideshow app would allow photo layouts, transitions, title text, and music syncronisation. If you do not have access to Fotomagico, try filmora, iMovie, Final Cut, Adobe Premier or even animato. I hope the message is clear and able to share my thoughts in making a slideshow ----------- Follow me on instagram:   / jonlow   Follow JLS on instagram:   / jonlowstudios   Gears used in 2018: Canon 5D Mark III : Canon 50mm F1.2L : Sigma 85mm F1.4 ART for Canon EF: Sigma 20mm F1.4 ART for Canon EF : Samsung NX1: Samsung NX500 : - Zhi Yun Crane M: DJI Spark: Bags: Peak Designs Everyday Backpack 30L :
