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How to Calculate GPA using Ms Excel 2 года назад

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How to Calculate GPA using Ms Excel

In this video I will be showing you How to Calculate GPA using Microsoft Excel. GPA stands for Grade Point Average and it is one of the most common stats a College, University or Polytechnic would use to assess a student academic performance. If you are wondering what your GPA is or what it might look like depending on your grades, it is very handy to make a GPA Calculator. Let’s create a GPA calculator in Excel. The table column on the right is a GPA chart for my University. I understand that not all curriculum is the same, so you may need to check in with your school to see what numbers each letter grades corresponds to. You can also check out our other videos on: How to Use Microsoft Excel to Create Student results/School report sheet:    • How to use Microsoft Excel to Create ...   Join my Facebook Community:   / 873686043794502   #cgpa #gpa #reportcard #students #excelsupport #exceltutorial #marksheet
