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9 Yoga Poses For Healthy & Better SEX Life

Yoga for Life | 9 Yoga Poses For Better Life The best moves to put your mind and body in the mood. Heat up your love life Great sex is one of the ultimate mind-body experiences. So is great yoga. “Not only is yoga an amazing stress reliever, but certain postures improve flexibility, increase blood flow, and open your heart—all of which are necessary for a hot sex life,” says Ellen Barrett, author of the book Sexy Yoga. Cat/Cow Stretch 1. Begin on hands and knees, with shoulders directly over wrists and hips directly over knees. 2. Inhale, and slowly arch back (cow), lifting the chest up and away from the belly and extending tailbone toward the ceiling. Why it works: You strengthen your Kegel muscles—the same ones that contract during orgasm—to control your tailbone as you curl from cat to cow, says Barrett. Cobra 1. Lie on belly with forehead touching floor. Place palms face-down by middle ribs. 2. Draw legs together and stretch them out, pressing tops of feet into the floor. 3. Press hands down evenly as you draw elbows close to the sides of the body. Why it works: "This is a heart opener pose," says Barrett. "Love, energy, and breath come from your heart chakra, and this pose indirectly connects to sexual intimacy." It's also very energizing; ideal for couples who sometimes feel too wiped out to be sexy. Downward-Facing Dog 1. Start on all fours with wrists 6 to 12 inches in front of shoulders. Separate knees hip-width apart and curl toes under. 2. Pushing evenly into palms, lift knees off the floor. Lift your tailbone toward the ceiling and push the top of your thighs back so the body looks like an inverted V. Why it works: "In this posture, your gaze goes nowhere; you should be looking inward, as though you're closing your eyes, but not," says Barrett. Downward dog is a restful pose; doing it well is all about finding peace so it doesn’t feel like hard work. "This is a great presex pose," Barrett says. "It slowly warms up your body and helps you tune into the moment." Tree 1. Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms at sides. Shift weight onto left foot. 2. Bend right knee and use right hand to place right foot on inside of left thigh, just above knee. (If you can't keep your balance this way, place foot just below the knee or on your ankle.) The right knee opens out to side. Make sure pelvis faces forward. Why it works: "Any balancing pose keeps you focused on one thing at a time," says Barrett. "It helps slow life down a little." Tree is particularly good at teaching mindfulness. Bound Angle 1. In seated position, bring soles of feet together and put hands on ankles. Plank 1. Like the top of a push-up, start on all fours, aligning wrists with shoulders. Spread fingers wide and press entire palm into floor. Avoid collapsing in chest by lifting under armpits. 2. Hollow out belly and step feet way back, curling toes under so that thighs lift as you straighten legs. 3. Heels, ankles, butt, spine, shoulders, neck, and head should all be in one long line. Check in a mirror if you can. 4. Hold for 30 seconds and then rest. Repeat 3 times and build up to 5; try to hold plank for up to a minute as you practice. Why it works: This confidence-boosting strength pose is the ultimate ab toner—it requires many different core muscles to keep your body in proper form. Not only will you in better shape for a sizzling sex session, you'll also look and feel better about yourself. Bridge Bridge 1. Lie on back with knees bent and hip-width apart. Keep feet about 6 inches in front of butt. 2. Push hips up toward ceiling. 3. Your hands can be flat by sides, or for a deeper stretch, squeeze shoulder blades together and interlace hands, keeping them on mat directly under back. 4. Hold for 60 seconds, breathing into the posture. Why it works: This simple lift really stretches your hip flexors and eases tension. Shoulder Stand 1. Lie on back with feet flat on floor about hip-width apart, arms along sides of body, palms up. 2. Bend knees in toward chest, and roll hips up and over until legs straighten and toes come to floor behind head. Place hands on low back for support, with fingertips facing up. 3. Lift right leg toward ceiling, then lift left leg toward ceiling and press (straight) legs into each other. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Savasana 1. Lie comfortably on back. Separate arms from body to a 45-degree angle. Palms face up. 2. Rest legs apart as wide as feels comfortable, usually 2 to 3 feet apart. 3. Allow feet to relax and roll open. Do a mental body scan from top to bottom—are you relaxed? Release all tension from every part of body. 4. Lie here for up to 5 minutes, letting entire body calm down. Why it works: Some people say that savasana, which requires no physical exertion, is actually the hardest yoga pose to master. That's because you have to completely focus on the present—no errant thoughts allowed.
