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Forgotten and Weird Nintendo DS Games (NDS)

Download Naraka: Bladepoint for free on all platforms and celebrate the game’s 2nd anniversary! Join the discord group:   / discord   The Nintendo DS was the strange successor to the Game Boy and I think it's aged like a fine wine. It's library is massive and I think it's a good time to go back and look at the pre-predecessor to the Nintendo Switch. You can also check out my band Great Hag at this link! Video Editing and Gameplay Assistance by Portly -    / theportlygamer   ▶Subscribe!    / bokunoeruption   ▶Support me on Patreon!   / austineruption   ▶Check out my Shirts! ▶Follow me on Twitter and Twitch!   / austineruption​​​     / austineruption​​   #gaming #nintendo #games
