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Скачать с ютуб Bow SMOOTHLY Like A Professional - NOT Colle Bowing в хорошем качестве

Bow SMOOTHLY Like A Professional - NOT Colle Bowing 12 лет назад

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Bow SMOOTHLY Like A Professional - NOT Colle Bowing

CLICK THIS LINK to take you to my online music shop: ----------------------------------------------- How to get started on my '1-30 Violin Course'? To start or enrol on my full '1-30 Violin Course', go here: This is the complete set of all books and all lesson resources you will need for the entire course. ----------------------------------------------- Or, the first 10 lessons and all resources/materials needed is absolutely free! Click on the pdf that says 'START HERE' first: ----------------------------------------------- THIS IS NOT COLLE BOWING!!!!! ITS MY WAY OF GETTING & TEACHING THE FINGERS TO BE MORE FLEXIBLE! It really doesn't matter what way your fingers are bending (straight when drawing the bow up or bent when drawing the bow up etc) This is not teaching you a 'bowing technique' like Martelé or Spiccato etc, so it doesn't matter. The point is to be flexible with the bow. It's merely a technique to get the fingers to bend so you can go on to learn said various bow techniques that require this flexibility. I demonstrate in the video that you can do it both ways, the the end result and purpose is the same. ----------------------------------------------- If you are looking for a good violin to learn on, or even upgrade too, that will only help you learn and not hinder you, I can 100% recommend these Fiddlerman violins! I have included each violin video review as well as a purchase link: 1. Fiddlerman OB1 violin review:    • My Review & Thoughts on the Fiddlerma...   🛒 2. Fiddlerman Apprentice violin review:    • My Review & Thoughts on the Fiddlerma...   🛒 3. Fiddlerman Concert violin review:    • My Review & Thoughts on the Fiddlerma...   🛒 4. Fiddlerman Artist violin review:    • My Review & Thoughts on the Fiddlerma...   🛒 5. Fiddlerman Master violin review:    • My Review & Thoughts on the Fiddlerma...   🛒 6. Fiddlerman Soloist violin review:    • My Review & Thoughts on the Fiddlerma...   🛒 ----------------------------------------------- #violinlessons #freeviolinlessons #onlineviolinlessons #howtoplaytheviolin #beginnerviolinlessons
