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Скачать с ютуб BR Standard 9F Sound Pack by Steam Sounds Supreme в хорошем качестве

BR Standard 9F Sound Pack by Steam Sounds Supreme 9 лет назад

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BR Standard 9F Sound Pack by Steam Sounds Supreme

It is with great pleasure that we announce the release our latest sound pack. The BR Standard 9F Sound Pack! It has been our desire to produce a sound pack for the 9F for a long, long time. With the release of the BR Standard 9F by Dovetail Games on Steam, we can now give you this pack. A full and realistic set of sounds giving you all the sounds you would want to hear from a big locomotive like a BR Standard 9F, including: 3-part exhaust sounds including pilot and main valve; the shrill of a BR Standard whistle; Valve and motion sounds; coasting sounds; extra cab sounds and much more. Both the double-chimney and single-chimney versions have been modified by the pack. You'll notice subtle differences between the sound of the two types. Interested? Pick up yourself a copy here:
