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Скачать с ютуб 豆角茄子炒虾米🦐茄子的香嫩加上豆角的口感,再配上爆香的虾米,超级好吃又下饭‼️💯Stir fried dried shrimp with long bean and eggplant💯 в хорошем качестве

豆角茄子炒虾米🦐茄子的香嫩加上豆角的口感,再配上爆香的虾米,超级好吃又下饭‼️💯Stir fried dried shrimp with long bean and eggplant💯 2 года назад

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豆角茄子炒虾米🦐茄子的香嫩加上豆角的口感,再配上爆香的虾米,超级好吃又下饭‼️💯Stir fried dried shrimp with long bean and eggplant💯

豆角茄子炒虾米🦐茄子的香嫩加上豆角的口感,再配上爆香的虾米,超级好吃又下饭‼️💯 材料:2根茄子、一把豆角、3根辣椒、30克虾米、4瓣蒜、1勺盐、1勺蚝油 1)把茄子&豆角切条,辣椒切片 2)虾米泡软后切碎,蒜切末 3)热锅热油,把茄子炸至金黄色捞出沥干油分,豆角&辣椒下锅过过油 4)再把虾米下锅炸至金黄酥脆捞出备用 5)锅留底油爆香蒜末,倒入豆角辣椒翻炒,再加茄子、1勺盐、1勺蚝油&虾米快速翻炒均匀就可以出锅了 6)香喷喷的豆角茄子炒虾米就做好了❤️ Stir fried dried shrimp with long bean and eggplant💯 Ingredients: 2 eggplants, a handful of beans, 3 peppers, 30 grams of dried shrimps, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 spoon of salt, 1 spoon of oyster sauce 1) Cut the eggplant & beans into strips, slice the peppers 2) Soak the dried shrimps and chop them, mince the garlic 3) Heat oil in a hot pan, fry the eggplants until golden brown, remove and drain the oil, put the beans & peppers in the pan and fry it 4) Deep fry the dried shrimps until golden and crispy. Remove and set aside. 5) Left some oil in the pan and sauté minced garlic until fragrant, pour in the beans and chili and stir-fry, put in eggplant and add 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce & dried shrimp, stir-fry evenly and serve 6) The fragrant stir fry dried shrimp with bean and eggplant is ready ❤️
