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American pilgrim imprisoned in Syria for 7 months freed 11 часов назад

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American pilgrim imprisoned in Syria for 7 months freed

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here: Read more here: An American who has been missing for 7 months is free from a detention and torture centre in Syria. Identified as Travis Timmerman, the man entered Syria illegally in May 2024 from the eastern Lebanese town of Zahle while on a Christian pilgrimage. He says he was treated well, but could hear other prisoners being tortured. He was initially mistaken by some for Austin Tice, an American journalist who went missing in Syria 12 years ago. The US government says they are working to bring Timmerman and Tice home. Support us: Follow us on: Website: Facebook:   / scmp   Twitter:   / scmpnews   Instagram:   / scmpnews   Linkedin:   / south-china-morning-post   #scmp #World #Syria
