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Скачать с ютуб What a mouse can teach us about menstruation | Jarrod McKenna | TEDxCecilStreet в хорошем качестве

What a mouse can teach us about menstruation | Jarrod McKenna | TEDxCecilStreet 6 часов назад

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What a mouse can teach us about menstruation | Jarrod McKenna | TEDxCecilStreet

Amongst the many, long-standing hurdles to effectively studying menstruation, a mouse from the deserts of Egypt is changing how we view, study, and understand female reproductive health. Despite not having a menstrual cycle, Dr McKenna has spent the past 5 years talking on radio, podcasts, and in pubs around Melbourne covering everything from where the clitoris is to the evolution of menstruation. However, Dr McKenna also spent his PhD investigating the menstrual cycle of the world’s only known menstruating rodent: The Egyptian Spiny mouse. Dr McKenna passionately takes students and audiences further down the path to menstrual literacy by discussing the evolution of and hurdles to studying menstruation, and how a mouse from the deserts of Egypt is changing how we view, study, and understand female reproductive health. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
