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Engineering a better world: what does it mean? | IET President’s Address 2024 Трансляция закончилась 1 месяц назад

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Engineering a better world: what does it mean? | IET President’s Address 2024

The world’s facing its most volatile challenges yet - from climate change and economic instability to healthcare crises and political turmoil. Engineering can stand as a beacon of stability, offering innovative solutions to these issues. However, misdirected funding, outdated infrastructure and critical skills shortages are creating roadblocks. It’s time to shift the seized brake, fix the motor, charge the battery - it’s time to re-engineer. In his presidential address, Warren East CBE will share his three-step plan to re-engineer our future: Align engineering with economics: create financially stable businesses Enhance communication: break down barriers to change Strengthen the engineering eco-system: unite, as we move the dial together He’ll also discuss how the IET, its members, and the wider engineering community can lead the charge in creating a united voice to act before it’s too late.
