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Harley Benton - CLJ-45 - Roundshoulder Dreadnought

Is it a dreadnought - or isn’t it? Whatever your take on the Harley Benton CLJ-45E VS, one thing is for sure: it looks... a little different. Its rounded shoulders are a welcome change from the typical cut-and-paste dreadnought design. The round and full-bodied sound of the CLJ is shaped by its solid spruce top. And the mahogany body looks simply stunning in the gorgeous Vintage Sunburst finish. The neck of the ‘45’ is also made of mahogany. With its 25.5 inch scale length, it’s comfortable to hold and will especially appeal to those who do a lot of chord work. This guitar is a well-rounded instrument, both visually and acoustically. Webshop: Facebook:   / harleybentonofficial   Instagram:   / harleybentonofficial   YOUR STYLE. YOUR GEAR.
