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Скачать с ютуб Sarah Paulson, Mark Duplass And Alexandre Lehmann Discuss Their Film, "Blue Jay" | BUILD Series в хорошем качестве

Sarah Paulson, Mark Duplass And Alexandre Lehmann Discuss Their Film, "Blue Jay" | BUILD Series 8 лет назад

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Sarah Paulson, Mark Duplass And Alexandre Lehmann Discuss Their Film, "Blue Jay" | BUILD Series

Join Emmy-award winning Sarah Paulson, Mark Duplass and director Alexandre Lehmann as they discuss "Blue Jay," their film about two former high school sweethearts who reconnect and reflect on their past through the lens of their differently dissatisfied presents. Interview at AOL HQ in NYC for BUILD Series. For full schedule and more videos go to Follow us: TWITTER:   / buildseriesnyc   FACEBOOK:   / buildseriesnyc   INSTAGRAM:   / buildseriesnyc   SNAPCHAT: BUILDseriesNYC
