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Скачать с ютуб 我們如何以單一收入養育7個女兒。大家庭經濟#2:省錢+生養眾多 How To Raise a Large Family (of 7 girls) on a Single & Tight Income в хорошем качестве

我們如何以單一收入養育7個女兒。大家庭經濟#2:省錢+生養眾多 How To Raise a Large Family (of 7 girls) on a Single & Tight Income 10 месяцев назад

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我們如何以單一收入養育7個女兒。大家庭經濟#2:省錢+生養眾多 How To Raise a Large Family (of 7 girls) on a Single & Tight Income

好消息,我們現在提供經濟包裝茶包:簡單包裝,更低價格,同樣美味的茶=CP值更高!最近也開始賣我們小孩喜歡穿的鄉村風蛋糕裙!還有限量的手帕和小孩的手工,由季芳精心挑選的自然靈感飾品。如果你看網站時已經售完,不用擔心,我們正在準備下一批(更多)漂亮的蛋糕裙,加上3-到4款全新的產品。敬請期待!我設計的T恤 “Explore Taiwan,” “Fatherhood,” 和 “Always Be Ready” 也還有貨,都可以在這裡買得到:,謝謝您的支持! 生活充滿了選擇。我和我的妻子季芳在結婚時決定,我會成為家庭的供應者,而她會留在家裡照顧孩子。17年後,上帝賜福給了我們7個寶貝女兒。 多年來,為了養育我們不斷增長的家庭,我做了不同類型的工作,每個月帶回家的錢也一直在變化。我在台灣全職教英語,幫助我的兄弟在美國開創了一家企業,回到台灣繼續教英語,並在途中開始了幾個YouTube頻道。 盡管我的收入不確定,季芳非常節儉且明智地管理我帶回家的錢。在今天的視頻中,我們分享了我們家庭的經濟故事,以及我們如何在偶爾緊張的收入下撫養一群女孩。 我們住在什麼樣的房子裡?我們如何選擇買什麼樣的車?我們對食物、衣服和家庭活動有什麼安排?我們希望今天的視頻能鼓勵年輕夫妻,並找您配偶或未來的另一半討論這些話題。與孩子在一起的生活不一定要花費很多錢。 如果你有選擇的機會,我們鼓勵每個人選擇生命(生養兒女或收養小孩)和與家人在一起的時間,而不是追求更多的物質擁有,選擇自由而不是債務。 生命是短暫的:"求 你 指 教 我 們 怎 樣 數 算 自 己 的 日 子 , 好 叫 我 們 得 著 智 慧 的 心 。"(詩 篇 90:12) 願我們將時間和精力投入到真正重要的事情上,帶來持久的喜悅。 在旅程中的兄弟, Stephen (老外爸爸) Life is full of choices. My wife, Christy and I decided when we got married, that I would be the provider for the family, and that she would stay at home and care for the children, if God gave us any. Here we are 17 years later, and God has blessed us with 7 precious daughters. Throughout the years I have done different types of work to provide for our growing family, and the amount of money I would bring home each month would vary all the time. I have taught English full-time in Taiwan, helped start a business in the USA with my brothers, returned to Taiwan to continue teaching English, and started several Youtube channels along the way. Despite the uncertainty of my income, Christy has been very frugal and wise about how to spend the money that I bring home. In today’s video we share our family economy story, and how we are able to raise a brood of girls on a rather tight income. What kind of house do we live in? How do we choose what car to buy? What do we do about food and clothing and family activities? We hope that young couples are encouraged by today’s video, and find a few talking points to discuss with their spouse. Life with children doesn’t have to be expensive. If you have a choice, we would encourage you to choose life and time with family over accumulating more possessions, and freedom instead of debt. Life is short. May we echo the prayer of Moses- "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." (Psalm 90:12) May we pour our time and energy into things that really matter, and bring lasting joy. Your brother in the journey, Stephen -------------------------------------------------------------------- 🏪 好消息-老外爸爸網路商店開幕了,我設計的Explore Taiwan, Fatherhood, 和 Always Be Ready T恤和新手爸爸+家庭領袖線上課程都在這裡: 🎗 有一些人說他們想要支持我的頻道但是不需要我線上商店任何的產品。如果您想要支持我的頻道的話,您可以考慮捐款支持。我設定了一些安全又簡單的方法, 我們的網站: 謝謝您的支持! 🤝 請記得訂閱於開始鈴鐺的通知,新的影片出來的時候你就會被通知。以後會有更多的影片,希望你會喜歡。謝謝您! 訂閱: 👍🏻 歡迎追中我的臉書粉絲網頁:  / laowaibaba   🖥 如果你想看更多的老外爸爸影片與相關內容,請到: 謝謝你的收看! 🏠 合作邀約+個人聯絡:[email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------- 加入我其他的 Social Media: Facebook (臉書) : 老外爸爸 LaoWai BaBa Bilibili: 老外爸爸 LaoWai BaBa
