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Скачать с ютуб AUSA 2019: Bell unveil their 360 Invictus helicopter в хорошем качестве

AUSA 2019: Bell unveil their 360 Invictus helicopter 5 лет назад

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AUSA 2019: Bell unveil their 360 Invictus helicopter

Jane's speaks to Keith Flall, VP, Advanced Vertical Lift Systems at Bell on the debut of their 360 Invictus Future Attack Reconnaissance helicopter mock-up. Read the related article from Jane's here: SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel for more videos    / janesbyihsmarkit   Follow us on Twitter   / ihs4defrisksec   Like us on Facebook   / janesbyihsma.  . For more content go to Underpinned by Jane's verified and validated open source equipment, security and defence industry data, Jane's Data Analytics supports entity recognition, capability assessment and market analysis, find out more
