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Скачать с ютуб Capoeira Flow - Fabio Santos в хорошем качестве

Capoeira Flow - Fabio Santos 12 лет назад

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Capoeira Flow - Fabio Santos

Fabio Santos - Capoeira Flow - Basingstoke - Parkour Park I found a cool high platform at the Parkour Park and decided to do a continuous flowing Capoeira set on it. All in one edit, just Twixtor ed some slow points to the music. Linken Park - Numb DnB Mix. Chase Armitage Filmed. Sam Parham Edited   / team3run   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------­­------------------------------ Capoeira, Fabio Santos, Continuos flow, High, Crazy, Wow, Parkour Park, Free Running, 3RUN, Flying, Canon 7D, Slow Motion, Twixtor, Kicks, Handstands, Urban, Street. Member of the 3RUN athletes with experience from James Bond Casino Royal, Sprite, Nestle, X Box games, Snickers Commercials, Films, Music Videos, Television programmes including The Bill and Harry Hill.
