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Montana 8 Kills & 280k Damage | World of Warships Gameplay

Montana 8 Kills & 280k Damage About the Warship: American Tier X Battleship -Map: Sleeping Giant -Mode: Random Battle -Player: RedRye95 (EU) -Kills: 8 Ships -Players of my team: RedRye95, CC_Account, Nightfall_Shadowbreaker, P_yk, warmaker_321, xX_Atlantis_Xx, Armarjo_al, Admiral_Grauen, Soter69er, ZEPHRYZE, StyleOttoman, TheFluxyNator -Link to Replay: -Players of the enemy team: Calamiitas, Necrophorus, Daviddwarf, Mandara_125658601, SteelScorpion, Ecotech, Erobert_, Alduim, eduimpio16v, Polvorafraca, fryslanpr0, mogxdd -Damage caused: 280103 -Version: 13.11.0 -Achievements earned: Devastating Strike, Kraken Unleashed!, Confederate, High Caliber ♦ Join our discord channel!   / discord   ♦ ♦ Follow me on Facebook!:   / mecawows   ♦ 🆕 Would you like to send me your best replay? You can do it in: 🆕 In my channel you will find the best replays of #WorldofWarships #Wowsreplays! Please subscribe and feel free to like, comment and share! ¡Thanks for Watching!
