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Compressor Shootout - Distressor / UA 1176 / dbx 166 - 266 - For Snare Drums

While software compressors and emulators of hardware compressors can get the job done, you'll find that the don't quite have the same studio magic as some of the industry standard hardware units. To give you some insight into some sounds you can get from hardware units, we are going to shootout 3 different hardware units from the perspective of the snare drum. Hopefully this will help you if you are thinking of making your first big studio hardware purchase. Compressors used in this video: dbx 166 (similar to the newer dbx 266): UA 1176LN (as part of a Universal Audio 6176 Tube Channel Strip): Empirical Labs EL8-X Distressor: If you purchase through the above links, I'll make a tiny commission. That'll make me super happy, as I could buy more drums! I've set up 4 identical mics on my snare and recorded simultaneously into the same preamps (an API 3124+ unit). Three of those mics then continue onto compressors. Through the wonders of post-production, we'll switch the playback through the different sound sources to get you the best comparison possible. Introduction: 0:00 The Sound Source: 0:39 About the dbx: 1:13 About the Universal Audio 1176: 1:55 About the Empirical Labs Distressor: 2:56 Compressor Settings: 4:07 Jump to the sound samples: 4:36 Let me know your favorite or if you know of some other killer compressors in the comments. And don't forget to subscribe! For more info on me, visit:   / seandaudelin     / drumdrumdrums   Other Equipment used: Sonar X1 Producer Snare Top: Sennheiser e604 x4 Bass Drum (in: batter side): AKG D 112 Overheads: AKG c 430 MOTU 8Pre audio interface Video: Sony FDR-AX100 4K UHD Camcorder Tascam DR10L Digital Audio Recorder with Lavalier Microphone #recordingstudio #preamplifier #drums
