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How To Use Zhiyun Smooth 4 (For Beginners)

Get the Zhiyun Smooth 4 Here - Continue Watching -    • How To Shoot High Quality Videos On Y...   My Video Starter Kit Playlist -    • How To Make Videos Better Quality (Fo...   If you are a beginner video content creator or you've been making videos for a while and want to learn how to use a gimbal such as a Zhiyun Smooth 4 this video is for you. If you are new to this channel I recommend watching my Video Starter Kit Playlist that will show you how to make videos with an iPhone, edit videos in Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, iMovie, and much more. Enjoy! Grab My Gear Ring Light - Gimbal - Tripod - iPhone Mount - Mic #1 - Mic #2 - Mic #2 iPhone Adapter - Mic #3 - Mike Zuniga Films is a video production company based in Southern California. This YouTube channel provides behind the scenes videos, tutorials, and interviews for filmmakers and content creators on YouTube. He also hosts the "Mike Zuniga Films Podcast Series" on this channel as well in audio format. This show intersects entrepreneurship with the art of video production to give tips on how to be a full time filmmaker or creative. This is also great for people searching for podcasts about life and podcasts about success. DISCLAIMER: This video and description contains affiliate links. If you click on one of the links, I may receive a small commission. This will allow me to continue making videos like this. Thank you! #iphone #videography #editing #zhiyunsmooth4
