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Скачать с ютуб Olson Kundig Studio House – Lutron + Ketra Lighting Retrofit в хорошем качестве

Olson Kundig Studio House – Lutron + Ketra Lighting Retrofit 2 года назад

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Olson Kundig Studio House – Lutron + Ketra Lighting Retrofit

The iconic Studio House was designed in the 1990s by Tom Kundig (of Olson Kundig) as a photographer’s home, studio, and lightbox. A recent retrofit with Lutron lighting, shades, and controls honors the original design intent of the home, while providing a modern technology upgrade and elevated living experience. Lutron’s Ketra lighting offered a truly customized solution for this homeowners’ diverse art collection. Each piece of art, from sculptures to paintings, is now illuminated with museum-quality light that best captures the artist’s intent.
