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These Are the Most Unique Planet Types in No Man's Sky

Which planet types are No Man's Sky's most unique? Dead worlds with low gravity? A planet full of volcanoes? A planet infested by titan sand worms? Bubbles? Hexagons? Let's take a look at the procedural planet tech No Man's Sky in 2023. BECOME A VALUED MEMBER:    / @kanaju   #NoMansSky #NMS #Kanaju Chapters of this Review: 00:00:00 - Intro 00:02:27 - Honorable Mention: Honey Deserts 00:03:28 - Hexagon Worlds 00:04:29 - Dead/Airless Worlds 00:05:45 - Volcanic Planets 00:06:41 - Bubble Lush Planets 00:07:57 - Honorable Mention: Marsh Worlds 00:09:35 - Infested Planets 00:11:03 - Dissonant Worlds 00:13:55 - Outro Links: 10 Ways to "Fix" Planetary Exploration:    • 10 Ways to "FIX" Planetary Exploratio...   Subscribe and ring the notification bell if you like:    / @kanaju   Music: Driftmaster by Shane Ivers, Cruise Control by Shane Ivers, Spacedman by Shane Ivers, Save Us Now by Shane Ivers -
