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Скачать с ютуб Sara Sharif: Father & stepmother of 10-year-old found guilty of her murder at Surrey home в хорошем качестве

Sara Sharif: Father & stepmother of 10-year-old found guilty of her murder at Surrey home 1 день назад

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Sara Sharif: Father & stepmother of 10-year-old found guilty of her murder at Surrey home

WARNING: This report contains distressing content which viewers may find distressing. Sara Sharif's father and stepmother have been found guilty of murdering the 10-year-old before fleeing to Pakistan. Sara was hooded, tied up, beaten with a cricket bat, burnt with an iron and even bitten in a "brutal" campaign of abuse in the weeks before her death on 8 August last year, the Old Bailey heard. Her body was found two days later in a bunk bed at her home in Woking, Surrey, after Urfan Sharif, 42, called police from Pakistan, where he had fled with the rest of his family. Read more here: #skynews #uk SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos:    / skynews   Follow us on Twitter:   / skynews   Like us on Facebook:   / skynews   Follow us on Instagram:   / skynews   Follow us on TikTok:   / skynews   For more content go to and download our apps: Apple Android Sky News Daily podcast is available for free here: Sky News videos are now available in Spanish here/Los video de Sky News están disponibles en español aquí:    / @skynewsespanol   To enquire about licensing Sky News content, you can find more information here:
