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Noche Buena by Marco Sison - Karaoke Acoustic Piano

Welcome to our channel and sing along with our karaoke piano versions! Please do not reupload our Instrumental Videos. DISCLAIMER: We do not own these songs. We only create karaoke and/or minus one piano versions. All rights and credits belong to the rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended. TO THE COMPOSERS AND MUSIC PRODUCERS (COPYRIGHT OWNERS): If there is a copyright issue with our piano versions, please do not ask Youtube to take down our video so we won't get a copyright strike. Send us a message or write us an email and we will delete the video immediately. Thank you! Contact email: [email protected] Video background by: Do you want to use my track in a cover on YouTube? If you want to use our karaoke piano version or minus one track for cover, please put as link to our channel in the description and don’t forget to send us the link of your video cover so we can check it out! Thank you. If you like our karaoke piano videos, please do like, share and comment below and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE :) #nochebuena #christmas #karaoke #minusone #instrumental #acoustic #lyrics #karaokesongs #karaokeversion #piano #pianocover #covers #coversong #lyricsvideo #songlyrics
