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Veterans left waiting years for VA to decide disability appeals

The United States promised to take care of its military members when they returned home from war, but the government is failing to live up to its end of the bargain, as up to as many as 200,000 veterans wait for appeals decisions about their monthly disability payments. Some veterans have waited years for decisions about their benefits without any guarantee they'll ever get paid. "It's typical military: Hurry up and wait," Army veteran Leroy Perry said tearfully. "I don't think it's fair to me or the other veterans out there." Four years of service during the first Gulf War has followed Perry ever since he came home. In return, he said he's spent more than a decade fighting the Department of Veterans Affairs for disability benefits for everything from a knee injury to post-traumatic stress disorder. Thankfully, a pro bono lawyer came to his defense and helped the father of five finally secure about $4,000 a month for him and his family moving forward, but no retroactive pay. He filed an appeal in recent years in hopes of recouping about $500,000 in retroactive benefits. His case has barely budged. FULL STORY:
