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My Crazy Addiction in Thailand

This Thailand trip has given me an addiction. It's crazy but this addiction once a day is not enough. My crazy daily fix is this...... Hi everyone, my name is DJ (Darren John), welcome to my food channel. Whether you enjoy a Michelin Star ⭐ restaurant or a burger from a street food stall review, this is the channel for you. I have held down almost every job in the catering industry and would like to give my opinion on various cuisines from my home town of London, to Europe & beyond. 🗽 #djsfoodtravels #travelandfood #reviewingfood #crazy #addiction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you get value from the content, please like each video - subscribe for free if you would like to see more of what I do, interact with a comment or two and share with your family & friends. 💬 ✅👍🏼 Enjoy. 🍽 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you fancy buying me a coffee and joining my journey: ✅ ✅ ✅    / @darrenjohn   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✅ Try my other YouTube channel -    / @darrenjohn   #offthecharts #darrenjohn #londonandbeyond
