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(OLD VIDEO) DNA Structure and Function

Concepts in this video can be found in our newer video:    • DNA, Chromosomes, Genes, and Traits: ...   ! Music in this video used w/ permission from Adrian Holovaty (   / adrianholovaty  . Check out our FREE video handouts on! Support us on Patreon!   / amoebasisters   Our FREE resources: GIFs: Handouts: Comics: Connect with us! Website: Twitter:   / amoebasisters   Facebook:   / amoebasisters   Tumblr:   / www   Pinterest:   / amoebasister­s   Instagram:   / amoebasistersofficial   Visit our Redbubble store at The Amoeba Sisters videos demystify science with humor and relevance. The videos center on Pinky's certification and experience in teaching biology at the high school level. For more information about The Amoeba Sisters, visit: We take pride in our AWESOME community, and we welcome feedback and discussion. However, please remember that this is an education channel. See YouTube's community guidelines and YouTube's policy center We also reserve the right to remove comments with vulgar language. We have YouTube's community contributed subtitles feature on to allow translations for different languages. YouTube automatically credits the different language contributors below (unless the contributor had opted out of being credited). We are thankful for those that contribute different languages. If you have a concern about community contributed contributions, please contact us.
