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Скачать с ютуб What it's like being in Hamilton on the West End | Jake Halsey-Jones в хорошем качестве

What it's like being in Hamilton on the West End | Jake Halsey-Jones 3 года назад

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What it's like being in Hamilton on the West End | Jake Halsey-Jones

Having left two drama schools with the decision that it wasn't right for him, Jake Halsey-Jones stands as proof of an unconventional route, being cast as a Swing in HAMILTON THE MUSICAL only months later (covering two ensemble roles, John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton and Hamilton himself!) He shares exciting stories from his time so far in the show... *** See here for interview with Lara Wollington, world’s longest-running Matilda from Matilda the Musical -    • What it's like playing Matilda on the...   ...and here for interview with Louis Hynes, Klaus in Netflix's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' -    • Chatting to Klaus from 'A Series of U...   *** Follow FACE TO FACE's Instagram to keep up to date with future interviews! -
