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Скачать с ютуб Metal For Life - Metal Mike - November 2012 - Crushing Thrash Metal Rhythm Parts в хорошем качестве

Metal For Life - Metal Mike - November 2012 - Crushing Thrash Metal Rhythm Parts 12 лет назад

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Metal For Life - Metal Mike - November 2012 - Crushing Thrash Metal Rhythm Parts

This exclusive lesson continues at: The following content is related to the November 2012 issue of Guitar World. For the full range of interviews, features, tabs and more, pick up the new issue on newsstands now, or in our online store: One of my favorite things about heavy metal music is the brutal rhythm guitar parts that have been devised by the genre's greatest bands, such as Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer and mothers. In this month's column, I'd like to show you some of the effective techniques for developing cool-sounding and very metal rhythm guitar parts.
