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The 5 Most Unreliable BMW 3 Series Models You Can Buy

The 5 Most Unreliable BMW 3 Series Models You Can Buy When it comes to BMW, the Series 3 models are generally some of the most reliable cars to drive. For the most part, these are good daily drivers that you can hop into and drive each and every day. However, there are a few unreliable BMW 3 Series cars that you need to watch out for. Watch as I go through the 5 most unreliable BMW 3 series cars out there today. Are BMW 3 Series reliable? Like I said, generally. However, if you own an e90 335i, an e92 335i, an e90/e92 m3, one of the older e21 BMWs, a 320D, or an e46 M3, you're likely to have run into some reliability issues. Everything from the rod bearing issues, to rust, to true engine problems, and everything in between, the 3 series cars can have a whole host of problems. Now go ahead and SMASH that SUBSCRIBE button and stay tuned for the next great video from Mark Holubetz at ExoticCar PlayPlace. We are always looking for supercars to drive and review, so if you would like to see your special toy on the big screen, please contact via Private Message, and we can make arrangements. Send Note to : [email protected] Join along and tell us in the comments if you agree or not. Please see more from my Youtube channel    / @ecpp   Shop on my Clothing and Merchandise store for the latest Exotic Car Gear: https://exoticcarplayplace.myshopify.... TWITTER - @Exoticcarplaypl   / exoticcarplaypl   FACEBOOK -   / supercars2000   INSTAGRAM - @Exoticcar_Playplace   / exoticcar_playplace  
