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Team Strength Running: Story Time + Q&A with Jason Fitzgerald 4 года назад

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Team Strength Running: Story Time + Q&A with Jason Fitzgerald

Join the Team: Team Strength Running is the most affordable online coaching group that you can join with hundreds of members from around the world, personal coaching, a library of 30+ proven training plans, new expert interviews every month, core and strength routines, and live coaching calls. The team is constantly evolving and expanding with gear discounts, savings on other SR programs, the ability to ask questions to our guest experts, and a lot more. See the details: “I’ve only been on Team SR for two weeks and it has already made such a positive difference in my life. I feel way more confident and have so much more energy. My body actually feels good and I’m recovering and sleeping so much better. Even my husband has noticed a difference.” – Christina “So far this year I’ve PRd at every distance that I’ve run: 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon! Best decision I ever made was to hire you! :)” – Lisa “After working with Jason, I can now run more often without injury. Before I was able to run 2-3 times a week and would get hurt every time I tried anything speedy or long. I felt like I couldn’t run enough to get fit. Now I can run 5-6 times a week (with some pretty long and tough sessions).” – Tim Jason Fitzgerald is a USATF running coach, 2:39 marathoner, and the founder of Strength Running (one of the web's most popular running blogs and coaching businesses). A member of the Greatist Expert Network, he's also the 2017 Men's Running Magazine's Influencer of the Year and a contributor to Competitor Magazine, Active, Runner's World, Lifehacker, and other major media. Visit to learn more about barefoot running, getting faster, injury preventing, and lifting for speed. Twitter:   / jasonfitz1   Instagram:   / jasonfitz1   Facebook:   / strengthrunning  
