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3 Act Story Structure for Authors | Story Structure Basics for Novelists 4 года назад

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3 Act Story Structure for Authors | Story Structure Basics for Novelists

How do you tackle 3 act story structure in your novel? What are the bascis of story structure and why does structure matter? I'm sharing the basics of 3 Act Structure PLUS going over key plot beats to know. Really, I'm throwing a ton of spaghetti at the wall in the hopes something sticks! Lots of visual aids to elucidate things. This is for plotters AND pantsers! I am a pantser and even though I don't plan everything ahead of time, I still write to structure and beats. I'm sharing lots of different things to hopefully stick with different types of writers. RELATED VIDEOS Kat's 27 Point Outline Technique:    • HOW TO OUTLINE | 3 act 9 block 27 cha...   Book Beginnings:    • Novel Beginnings: How To Start Your Book   Muddled Middles:    • How to Get Through the Sagging Middle...   Nailing Your Ending:    • Writing Effective Book Endings   Key Thriller Beats:    • Must Know Thriller Beats   00:00 Introduction 03:42 Act 1 Overview 04:21 Act 2 Overview 05:34 Reversals & Pinch Points 07:39 Act 3 Overview 09:43 Following a Story Curve 10:21 Other Plotting Methods 13:10 4 & 5 Act Structure 15:36 Plot Beats for Plotters vs. Pantsers 17:43 Key Plot Beats in Act 1 18:35 Key Plot Beats in Act 2 20:31 Key Plot Beats in Act 3 21:45 Save The Cat Writes A Novel Beats Preorder The Ivies from your favorite book retailer!: Add The Ivies on Goodreads!   / the-ivies   +BUY MY BOOKS+ Buy The Stars We Steal from Book Depository (ships worldwide!): Buy Brightly Burning from Book Depository (ships worldwide!): Buy BRIGHTLY BURNING on Amazon: Get Brightly Burning on! +LINKS+ Goodreads:   / brightly-burning   Twitter:   / alexadonne   Instagram:   / alexadonne   Newsletter Sign-Up: Website: Wattpad: +FILMING SPECS+ Camera: Canon t6i Mic: Rode VideoMic Go Light Lighting: Limo Studio Soft Kit Editing Software: Pinnacle Studio 22
