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Скачать с ютуб Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 14 years in 4 min. (Piano version) в хорошем качестве

Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 14 years in 4 min. (Piano version) 10 лет назад

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Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 14 years in 4 min. (Piano version)

The piano music is made by grammy award winning Hollywood composer Mateo Messina. He wrote it specifically for this film and gave me explicit written permission to use his song. Pai Filmou Sua Filha Toda Semana por 14 Anos. O Resultado é de Tirar o Fôlego. "To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, etc. Please email Frans Hofmeester: [email protected] The other 'Portrait of Lotte 0 to 14 years' with 33 million views is exactly the same film with no music because of a technical problem. Check out the new film 'Portrait of Lotte 0 to 16 years in 4 ½ minutes.'    • Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 16 years in 4...   Go see it! Enjoy! If you like this than you will absolutely love the time-lapse of my son. 'Portrait of Vince - 0 to 13 years' in 3 1/2 minutes:    • Portrait of Vince, From 0 to 13 years...   Check it Out! Or go see Lotte & Vince Together:    • Lotte & Vince together from baby to 1...   Dutch artist Frans Hofmeester has filmed his now teenage daughter's portrait for 15 seconds every week from the day she was born. On the 28th of October 2015 Lotte turned 16 years old. This ultimate coming of age time lapse 0 to 16 years, shows Lotte transform from baby to teenager. You are witness to one of the most mysterious, profound processes of human life - growing up - accelerated into 4 ½ minutes. Watch the time-lapse of Lotte's little brother Vince here:    • Portrait of Vince, From 0 to 13 years...   Lotte en Vince komen uit Nederland. Ze zijn de kinderen van Frans Hofmeester die beide al vanaf de geboorte elke week 15 seconden lang filmt. Korte fragmentjes die prachtige timelapses van hun hele leven opleveren. Inmiddels is Lotte 16 jaar oud geworden en Vince 13. Ter ere hiervan verschenen er op dit YouTube kanaal van Hofmeester nieuwe films van beide kinderen.    • Portrait of Lotte, 0 to 16 years in 4...      • Portrait of Vince, From 0 to 13 years...   #Lotte #Portrait #Timelapse
