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10 fashion mistakes women make

10 FASHION MISTAKES WOMEN MAKE Happy weekend ladies! We’ve all ran to the mall in a panic to find something to wear to the most amazing party we RSVP’d yes to, am I right? I know I’ve done it and I’m sure you have to. Well, usually when I do that I end up buying something on the mannikin because of course, it looks good on her, I mean she’s like 6 feet tall and a size 2 so how could it not? I get it home and try and it and it looks NOTHING like it did on the mannikin so now I’m still struggling with what to wear. Well, this is just one of the 10 fashion mistakes women make otherwise known as ‘IMPULSE BUYING’ so scroll down to check out all 10. 10 FASHION MISTAKES WOMEN MAKE. 1.) WEARING THE WRONG SIZE CLOTHES. There are 2 sizes to this coin, wearing clothes that are too big or too small and both are equally unappealing. If you’re not sure if something doesn’t fit right send a screenshot to a trusted friend or show it to your tailor and get an honest opinion. The most important thing when buying clothes is buying ones that fit you properly. If they fit you correctly then you will look your best and you will actually want to wear your clothes because you will AMAZING in them! READ MORE This channel made articles based on DW Documentary, Shea Whitney, Kristino Olsen, Teachingmensfashion, Glamour 10 fashion mistakes women always make,10 ways to always look expensive,fashion mistakes,worst fashion mistakes,mens fashion mistakes,womens fashion mistakes,10 ways women are dressing wrong,10 ways men are dressing wrong,women fashion,women fashion 2017,fashion trends,how to look expensive,how to look fashionable,fashion hacks,style hacks,fashion tips,fashion tricks,style tricks,style tips,how to always be stylish
