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Скачать с ютуб Cow/Calf barn update, bulls & more | Day in the life of a 26 year old farmer | farm vlog в хорошем качестве

Cow/Calf barn update, bulls & more | Day in the life of a 26 year old farmer | farm vlog 1 год назад

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Cow/Calf barn update, bulls & more | Day in the life of a 26 year old farmer | farm vlog

Things are a bit slower -- but summer also means projects get done around the farm! Stay tuned for a new VLOG coming soon! Thanks for watching -- you're great! Make sure you subscribe and follow along as I share ALLLLLL of the fun!! For more behind the scenes, I'll be sharing it all in my Instagram stories too! @thatfitagvocate :) Snag my merch: Instagram:   / thatfitagvo.  . Facebook:   / thatfitagvocate   Twitter:   / thatfitagvocate   Tiktok:   / thatfitagvocate for links, blog & more! COPYWRITE FREE MUSIC -- EpidemicSound! #agriculture #farmher #womeninag #womeninagriculture #farming #farmer #dayinthelife #minnesota #ruralliving #farm #cornsilage #farmersdaughter #cowcalf #feedlot #calvingseason #calving #beefcattle #beef #cows #farmlife #planting #farmers #farmvlog #farmvlogs #minnesota #caseih #ranching #ranch
