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Скачать с ютуб Michio Kaku: "Time Does NOT EXIST! James Webb Telescope PROVED Us Wrong!" в хорошем качестве

Michio Kaku: "Time Does NOT EXIST! James Webb Telescope PROVED Us Wrong!" 1 год назад

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Michio Kaku: "Time Does NOT EXIST! James Webb Telescope PROVED Us Wrong!"

Have you ever questioned what's truly out there in the cosmos? What mind-blowing mysteries the universe might be concealing from us? Well, you’re in for a ride. We have a revelation so colossal, it's about to rewrite everything we thought we knew about the universe. Brace yourself,as the renowned American physicist Michio Kaku unveils a discovery that's nothing short of revolutionary. Brought to light by none other than the legendary James Webb Space Telescope,which may have proven that time does not exist! Ready to dive into a space-time riddle that's going to turn your world upside down?
