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Скачать с ютуб Simple and Delicious Smashed Sunchoke (or Jerusalem Artichoke) Recipe в хорошем качестве

Simple and Delicious Smashed Sunchoke (or Jerusalem Artichoke) Recipe 3 года назад

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Simple and Delicious Smashed Sunchoke (or Jerusalem Artichoke) Recipe

These little-known tuberous roots belong to an indigenous flowering plant distantly related to sunflowers. They spread quite aggressively, and so they can easily be dug for their roots, which are delicious and can generally be prepared much in the same way as potatoes. Because this is a very rich, round side-dish, it is recommended to pair it with a sour or bitter salad or other vegetable such as rapini or dandelion greens. Generally most nutritional value in a vegetable is found in the skin, so I leave it on. They don’t mash as fine as potatoes; a food mill or a blender might do a better job but might also produce a gluey mess. I prefer the rustic texture of the smashed roots, mixed with the cream, butter and aromatics. I have added the leftovers from these to frittatas twice now and I find that it works quite well. They would probably reheat pretty well, also. Makes enough for 2-4 people, about 2 cups. Equipment: • medium to large saucepan, for boiling sunchokes • potato masher or similar Ingredients: 1 lb sunchokes Jerusalem artichokes 1/4 cup butter 2-4 Tbsp heavy cream 2-4 ea green onion or ramp greens, or similar to taste vermouth, salt and pepper Procedure: 1. Clean up any dirty sunchokes. 2. Cut the sunchokes into roughly same-sized pieces, around 2” 3. Place sunchokes into the saucepan and cover with cold water. Optionally add salt and aromatic ingredients. 4. Bring the sunchokes to a boil and then allow to simmer until the sunchokes are soft, about 20 minutes. 5. Clean up the green onions and chiffonnade them thinly. 6. Drain the sunchokes completely, then add butter, cream, vermouth, salt and pepper and smash the sunchokes until they are well-mixed with all seasonings. 7. Add the green onion to the mix and stir it through. 8. Serve immediately. Music:
