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Скачать с ютуб Making a PRECISE lead screw nut | CRAIG'S WORKSHOP в хорошем качестве

Making a PRECISE lead screw nut | CRAIG'S WORKSHOP 1 год назад

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Making a PRECISE lead screw nut | CRAIG'S WORKSHOP

It's time to look at the Herless 14x40* lathe again. It's got large amounts of backlash in the compound and crossfeed, so let's pull it apart, do some measuring and find out which parts need remaking. I started work on this lathe in the previous video, please see that one for the backstory. Enjoy! If you would like to help me to make these videos, here is my patreon link:   / craigsworkshop   Take a look at my website here: Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:17 Preview 0:32 How big is the problem? 0:51 Tear it down 3:02 Inspect the parts 5:09 Choose some materials 5:48 Machine the blank 8:14 Measure the old part 8:55 Side project #590953 10:42 Surface plate goodness 13:20 Thread cutting tool 14:22 Old school layout 16:14 Screw cutting 19:32 The finished part 19:59 Put it back together 20:14 Is it any better?
