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Should I Discard The Narcissist First?

Should I discard the narcissist first? What if you discard the narcissist, how will they treat you? Discarding the narcissist first can be a good thing as long as you are in the position to be able to protect against their increase in narcissistic punishment tactics such as narcissistic rage and the silent treatment. What happens when you discard the narcissist first is they will be upset with how you have made the first move. They will have no insight into why you discarded them and will make it about you. Sure, doing the discard first is one way for how to get rid of the narcissist for good. However, you must be prepared for them to react to the discard. They will blame shift and gaslight to make you think that it was their idea and not yours. The narcissist might also enact the smear campaign and recruit flying monkeys. They will do anything they can to make you look like the problem and the crazy one. When you discard the narcissist, they have to experience feelings of shame and this can lead to narcissistic injury. This is why they will recruit flying monkeys to increase their narcissistic supply and protect against narcissistic collapse. The narcissist manipulates if you discard first and they will continue to control and manipulate you and those around you. The narcissist will be a narcissist no matter if you discard them first or if they discard you. So, make the first more and discard them before they can enact the final discard on you. ● Learn more about Mindset Therapy and how to start therapy: Mindset Therapy provides telemental health services via messaging and live sessions, allowing you unlimited contact with your therapist to allow for the most growth in treatment. Mindset Therapy is available to individuals living in 28 states, and more added regularly. Visit to learn more and start building your path to a better you! To see if your state is covered, select "get started now" and a pop- up will show you the current states where services are provided. At Mindset Therapy, we are invested in your mental health journey and we are here when you are ready. ● Watch next: ▶️3 signs a NARCISSIST is going to discard you | How to know if you will be DISCARD    • 3 signs a NARCISSIST is going to disc...   ▶️The ONLY Way Relationships With Narcissists Will Work!    • The ONLY Way Relationships With Narci...   ● Blogs: ● Social Media: Instagram:   / mindsettherapypllc   Facebook:   / mindsettherapypllc   Twitter:   / mindsetpllc  
