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Walking in Dublin city 3 года назад

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Walking in Dublin city

Walking in Dublin city, Orignal Video from pop travel, subscribe pop channel below, Dublin is the is the capital city of the Republic of Ireland. With many attractions, a big airport the city is the main tourist destination of the country. We start our evening walk at the "The Spire", a 120m high steel pin on O'Connell Street near the old post office. We walk North towards Parnell St and back to the shopping area via Moore St. Along Henry St are many shops yet our destination after the newer area of Dublin is the Temple Bar on the other side of the Liffey River at around 13:30. We cross over to the Temple Bar district via the pedestrian Ha'penny Bridge and now see the colorful Dublin pubs and restaurants the city is famous for. We check out several streets in and around Temple Bar the Dublin vibe before we end the walk back on O'Connell Street. For a longer tour around Dublin during daytime please check out    • Walking in DUBLIN / Ireland 🇮🇪- City ...   Filmed in September 2019 Camera: Osmo Pocket in 4K60 Mic: Zoom H1 #poptravel #dublin #ireland License Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
