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Get Your Music in TV Shows and Movies | Music Sync Licensing Tutorial 4 года назад

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Get Your Music in TV Shows and Movies | Music Sync Licensing Tutorial

Getting music placed in TV, films and commercials can break an artist, no matter what genre or level of their career they're at. There is a long list of benefits and it's pretty simple to do! In this video, you can learn how to pitch to the right people, guaranteeing your music is heard by influential professionals, potentially getting you played out to millions. A few places you can find listings: How We Got an Artist Signed to a Leading Booking Agency:    • Get a SUPPORT SLOT or HEADLINE TOUR W...   Outro Song: dutchkid - Young Lovers Follow us: Instagram: @Burstimo Twitter: @BurstimoMusic Facebook: @Burstimo Read detailed music promotion tips: Listen to our podcast:
