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BATTLETECH: The Battlemaster

One of the true greats of #Battletech / #Mechwarrior, it was a really hard video to put together. But I had to stay true to the #Battlemaster and I had to stress what makes it such a loved machine, both in universe, and without. All of the #GreatHouses across the #InnerSphere use these mechs for a reason, even if they are mostly produced in the #FreeWorldsLeague and #LyranCommonWealth. Come, join me today, as we talk about this legendary design. One image was used by Spooky777, which is an official BLR image which he created. The rest come from sourcebooks, or the video games: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram:   / big_red_40k   Discord:   / discord   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Battletech #Mechwarrior #HouseKurita #HouseDavion #HouseMarik #HouseSteiner #HouseLiao #Battlemech #SuccessionWars #Mechwarrior #Assault #AssaultMechs #AssaultBattlemechs #Zeus #CatalystGameLabs #CGL #StarLeague Note: I am not associated with the Battletech / Mechwarrior IP, and create this under fair-use. Ownership of the Battletech IP resides with several companies at this time. I support all official releases.
