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When HIWATT Made A High Gain Amp!

In today's video, Paul Drew and James Ivey are checking out HIWATT amp, specifically the HIGH GAIN 100. This 100 watt beast of an amp is not your typical clean hiwatt tone. Link to TONEX Captures The first channel of the Hiwatt Hi Gain HGS100H amp head is based on the famous clean sound of the Custom DR103 100W tube amp head. The well-known British brand added a second channel to this amp head that offers a tight, distorted rock sound. With the included foot pedal, you can turn the Accutronics reverb on or off and switch between channels. Want to add external effects to your sound? You can do so with the mono effects loop. Hi Gain HGS100H: practical rock guitar amp head Connect a suitable speaker cabinet to the HGS100H, and you won't have to worry about impedance, as Hiwatt has made it possible for you to switch between 16, 8 and 4 ohms. You can even adjust the voltage by choosing 220-240 or 100-120 volts with the Voltage Selector. Both channels of this 100-watt tube amp are adjustable by means of a 3-band EQ and Presence potentiometer. All this adds up to a practical amp head that is great for rock music in particular. It's got one 12AT7 and three 12AX7 tubes in the preamp and four EL34 tubes in the power amp.The Studio Rats are core band members Paul Drew on guitar/production/mixing, drummer James Ivey and NOT Dan Hawkins on bass. They collaborate with singers and musicians to produce radio-ready songs.
