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Скачать с ютуб It's Not A Homelab Server, But What Is It? MinisForum MS-A1 Review в хорошем качестве

It's Not A Homelab Server, But What Is It? MinisForum MS-A1 Review 3 месяца назад

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It's Not A Homelab Server, But What Is It? MinisForum MS-A1 Review

The MS-A1 felt like it would be a Ryzen-based MS-01, therefore the perfect homelab server? However, it's not! It's still built to the same high quality with some clever design features, but I can't help feeling that it's a missed opporuntity. It still makes for a decent platform on a budget, but there's likely a better fit, chiefly the MS-01. Minis Forum MS-A1: ‪@ETAPRIME‬ eGPU:    • External GPU On A $300 Walmart Laptop...   Cable Matters Thunderbolt: Samsung 980 Pro: Corsair Vengeance: GitHub: Recommended Hardware: Discord:   / discord   Twitter:   / jimsgarage_   Reddit:   / jims-garage   GitHub: 00:00 - Introduction to MS-A1 01:00 - Conclusion 02:57 - Review - Cost - Comparison to MS-01 10:36 - Crude Benchmarking 11:24 - Storage 14:17 - I/O
