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Porsche 911 (87): Restoring The Rear Suspension

This film is about the restoration of the rear suspension of my Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2 from 1987. The rear axle was disassembled down to the single screw. All parts have been restored or renewed. Wheel bearings and bushings have been replaced, the aluminium trailing arms wire wheeled and painted and the so-called swords zinc plated in the original yellow chromate look. The production of this film was supported by JP Group Classics from Denmark who gave me some of the spare parts for free. It was also supported by, my trusted shop for classic car - related tools. If you're interested in the Gedore Red torque wrench (R68900100 / 3301216), please send a mail to [email protected] and mention Greasy Fingers Channel. #porsche911 #classicporsche #restoration If you like my content, please consider signing up to my channel and turning the bell on:    / greasyfinger.  . Here's the link to the shirt shop:
