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Shemesh Automation Company Video 2024/25 4 месяца назад

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Shemesh Automation Company Video 2024/25

Watch a quick overview of Shemesh Automation - a global Packaging Machinery manufacturer. Established in 1990, Shemesh Automation is a family owned and operated business with over 30 years experience in delivering automated packaging solutions to major manufacturers around the world. With a focus on filling machines, capping machines, sealing machines and labelling machines our solutions are used across a wide range of industries including food & beverage, pharma & biotech, cosmetics and chemicals. In addition we offer particular expertise in packaging for liquids and viscous fluids using either rigid or flexible packaging containers. Find out more about Shemesh's range of packaging machinery here: #liquidfillingmachine #labellingmachines #automation #sealingmachine #automaticcappingmachine #netweightfiller #capper #turnkeysolution #saucefillingmachine #drinksfillingmachine #packagingsolutions #fillingcappinglabeling #wetwipes #manufacturing #cappingsystem #foodpackagingmachine #chemicalspackagingmachines #cosmeticsindustry
