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SOJA - Still You (Live Music) | Sugarshack Sessions

SOJA - Still You (Live Music) | Sugarshack Sessions SOJA from Arlington, VA performing an original acoustic version of their song “Still You” live at the Sugarshack in Bonita Springs, FL. Episode 944 SOJA’s new acoustic album ‘Beauty in the Acoustic’ will be released via digital music services on February 23, 2024. It is a new collection of acoustic recordings in which the band re-arranged the songs from their GRAMMY-winning album ‘Beauty in the Silence’ live at the Sugarshack. Pre-save the acoustic album here: More sessions from SOJA: Jump -    • SOJA - Jump (Live Music) | Sugarshack...   Visual LP -    • SOJA - Visual LP Vol. 1 (Live Music) ...   Something To Believe In -    • SOJA - Something To Believe In (Live ...   Fall Like Rain -    • SOJA - Fall Like Rain (Live Music) | ...   Things You Can't Control -    • SOJA - Things You Can't Control (Live...   The Day You Came -    • SOJA - The Day You Came (Live Music) ...   Reason To Live -    • SOJA - Reason To Live (Live Music) | ...   Find the band: ‪@soja‬ The Sugarshack Music Channel was born in a backyard in Bonita Springs, Florida in 2014. We authentically connect people with artists through audible, visual, and real-life experiences. We keep it real, we keep it raw, and always 100% live. 10 years of live music! To learn more about the Sugarshack Music Channel and shop the online store, visit: Director/Editor: Eddie Kopp Director of Photography/Colorist: Justin Kaczmarek Audio: Alex Casement & Barrett Zablo of Sugarshack Recording Studio Camera Ops: Eddie Kopp / Justin Kaczmarek / Arian Antonucci / Spencer Paterson / David Alpert Photographer: Jillian Lee Ever wonder how we produce our content? Take a look at our gear list - #sugarshacksessions #livemusic #soja
