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Скачать с ютуб Interior designer Rita Konig on how to lay out your rooms | House & Garden в хорошем качестве

Interior designer Rita Konig on how to lay out your rooms | House & Garden 4 года назад

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Interior designer Rita Konig on how to lay out your rooms | House & Garden

Interior designer Rita Konig worked with Create Academy to show us how to lay out your rooms. With years of knowledge to her name, join Rita as she gives her insider insights on what makes a good room design. Rita is hosting a course with Create Academy on how to decorate. House & Garden are offering an exclusive 15% discount on the price of course, usually £127. Go to and enter coupon code H&G15. Subscribe to House & Garden ►► CONNECT WITH HOUSE & GARDEN Web: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Pinterest: Newsletter: ABOUT HOUSE & GARDEN House & Garden has, for 70 years, set the gold standard in design and decoration for the home. House & Garden covers “the well-lived life”. As well as covering the most beautiful homes and gardens, House & Garden extensively features travel, wine & food, lifestyle and shopping. [Title]    / house&garden  
