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AMERICA FALLS VOL.3 | FREE Full-Length Audiobook | Thriller Post-Apocalyptic

#postapocalyptic #freeaudiobooksonyoutube #survivalseries #audiobook 🎧📖COLD COMFORT - Book 3 of the relentless post-apocalyptic survival series America Falls🔥💣 New? Start with Book 1: HELL WEEK In this free audiobook: Infection. Invasion. Chaos. A weaponized virus ravages the U.S. somehow leaving children and young adults unscathed. As hundreds of millions die, for those left, surviving the virus is only the beginning… Against the odds and despite the carnage of an unstoppable disease and a relentless enemy, Isaac Race has delivered his group to safety... or has he? Something is not quite right about the Drake Mountain facility and it has nothing to do with the black bags over their heads, or guns at their backs when they arrived. Now in the safe-haven they fought so hard to reach, they should feel secure, but all of them sense something is amiss. Each question answered only raises another. Especially the question of why their friend Sonny was separated from them and locked up. They're about to get some answers they won't like. Whatever you do, don't miss Cold Comfort, the heart stopping third installment of America Falls.
